Choose WinEx for Your Local Deliveries This Season!

Christmas is less than two months away and WinEx would be happy to help you with your local deliveries this holiday season! Reach out by phone @ 204-253-8515 or by email @ [email protected] for more information!

Obtain Your Free Instant Quote Today!

WinEx Services offers free instant quotes for all delivery services, right here! Visit the ‘Rates and Services’ section and try out one of our great same-day services!

Choose WinEx for your local delivery needs!

Choose WinEx for your local delivery needs!

Autumn Is Upon Us! WinEx Is Open Until 8:00 PM!

The Autumn season is nearly here and the days are getting shorter! WinEx is open until 8:00 PM every Monday to Saturday for any local delivery needs! 20BEF637-1C2C-485E-ABBD-306651343D51

New WinEx Customers Save $5.00/Invoice For 30 Days!

New WinEx customers save $5.00/invoice for their first 30 days, just for trying out our services! Create an account here today and let us be your local delivery service provider!


Click on Rates and Service Tab for a Free Instant Quote!

Obtain a free instant quote for any of our great services directly at our website! Visit our Rates and Services section and let us take care of any of your local delivery needs!
